Monthly Archives: November 2011

Airport Security

So I just got back from some SAP training in Dallas and I had to put up with the TSA. Since my airport now has a SafeFlight 3000(TM) (a.k.a full body scanner) all passengers were lined up to go through.

Of course I declined, and was escorted to the end of the line were I received a pat down. The TSA officer, was courteous but could not understand why I did not want to go through the device that cost anywhere between $500K and $2M dollars of my tax money but does not make me feel any safer.

If the TSA actually cared about my safety, instead of frivolously spending large amounts of my tax dollars, they would do one of the following:

  • Allow licensed permit holders to carry on flights ( highly unlikely )
  • Have a two National Guardsman with a dog trained to sniff explosives and drugs standing behind the metal detector.

This year I have flown out of Las Vegas (LAS), San Antonio (SAT), Dallas/Ft.Worth (DFW), and Orlando/Sanford (SFB). In every one of them the full body scanner was used to scan the “random” traveler coming trough security. The reality is it slows down the screening process with no real gain. I wonder home many people queue through that trophy not knowing that they can easily bypass it?


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