Monthly Archives: May 2013

Disaster Recovery Wrap-up

As I eluded to in earlier posts, $work (a large university) held our annual disaster recovery test last week. This involved recovering the following items at our “cold” site in Atlanta, GA: network, backup server, and various systems supporting payroll, registrar, alumni, and grant proposals. We are supposed to try to get everything up and running in 72 hours, and we normally come very close, on average between 72 and 80 hours.

Before I go any further, I should explain what a “cold” site is. There are three types of sites normally used for disaster recovery. A “cold” site, meaning nothing is on-site until we declare a disaster, except for the physical datacenter. A “warm” site, which has some hardware that is not in production use, but is running and remotely accessible. And a “hot” site, which contains production systems. Every company should be striving to have a hot site, more commonly known as Business Continuity in ITIL speak. In a hot site, if a production system fails, users have no idea the system that were using is gone an continue working like nothing happened. Continue reading

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Filed under disaster, linux, server

Relaxing By the Fire

Returned from our yearly disaster recovery test late Friday night, and had some good friends invite me over to relax by the fire. A great end to a stressful week.


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Filed under food, funny

Disaster Recovery

I have been pretty busy this week reviewing documentation and creating media for our disaster recovery test coming up next week.

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Filed under disaster, linux, projects, server

Mothers Day (And Dinner)

Happy Mothers Day to my wife and all the other mothers out there. I hope you all had a relaxing day and were able to recharge.

For dinner this evening we grilled pork chops with a side of spinach and mushrooms as well as a side salad. The meal was delicious and as we were discussing events of the day and upcoming week I realized something.

All the food we ate was locally grown! With a co-worker, we purchased half a pig from the local university, We ended up with 45 pounds of meat for roughly $3 a pound.

We also signed up for a Community Shares Farm (CSA) this season. Is is called Care of The Earth Community Farm. We get about half a bushel of vegetables every other week. We spent an hour or so yesterday making salad dressing. I made some Italian  and my wife made two kinds, a poppyseed dressing and a Blackberry vinaigrette; The blackberries came from a patch in our yard).

So for those keeping track the store bough items in our meal this evening were: mushrooms, olives, and croutons. We did use some raspberry chipotle marinade on the pork chops.

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